Embracing February

In January, my intention was focus. I really made an effort to be in the moment, and I think it paid off. I got a lot accomplished last month–I got a jump start on my spring cleaning, picked up a new freelance job, took a trip to Arizona with my family and went on some fun day trips with my homeschooling buddies. I hope to carry that sense of focus with me throughout the rest of the year.

But now it is a new month and time to choose a new overreaching intention. For February I picked embrace.


2016 was a roller coaster year for me. I felt very out of control and I really wanted 2017 to be different. So far…it hasn’t been that different. But what is different is the way I’m responding to it. I’m taking ownership of the changes and trying to see challenges as things that can lead me to something exciting instead of just letting things happen to me. I’m doing my very best to embrace everything that life is throwing my way.


What are your goals and intentions for February? How do you handle the crazy stuff life throws at you? 

The Strangest Thing I’ve Ever Done to Reach a Fitness Goal

I’m officially two years out from my marathon goal! It has been really fun to watch all my runner friends on social media arrive at Disney for WDW Marathon weekend and know that, in 24 months, I’ll be one of them!

But I still have a long way to go–and I’m excited to get started working my way up to marathon level. To kick things off, I did something pretty strange.

I quit the gym.


I had been feeling a little burnt out by the classes, and I really had to drag myself there. So–despite the new year and the influx of new resolution members–I handed in my 30 day notice.

Obviously, I am not resigning myself to a slovenly life of Cheetos and Netflix (although at the end of this post-holiday week, that sounds pretty good). I am focusing on 5K training for the next few months, and have a few 5Ks on the calendar. First one up is the Hot Chocolate 5K at the end of January.

I’m really looking forward to getting out of the gym and finding some fun in my fitness this month. I’d love to know–what do you do when you feel burnt out at the gym?

Not Resolute But Intentional: How I’m Setting Myself up for Success in 2017

When I started to think about New Years Resolutions this year, I got tired very quickly.

The idea of another round of rigid rules, of “fixing” myself and then inevitably failing was just exhausting to me.

Then I realized, I don’t need to be fixed. 2016 was a long and bumpy road for me, and what I really need from 2017 is a little TLC.

This was actually a little hard for me to declare to myself. I generally love the idea of starting fresh in January. But I never seemed to settle into any rhythm or pattern over the past 12 months, so there isn’t really anything to start fresh from.

What I really need for 2017 are intentions, not resolutions. I found some prompts on Pinterest and took advantage of the first page in a book I for for Christmas called The 52 Lists Project. 

I enjoyed making the list and I feel like it is a really good guidepost for how I want my year to go. It also helped me choose my intention for January:


This month, I want aim my energy at focusing on not only on how I want my year to go, but on making sure I am present and focused in my daily tasks. It will be a challenge to try and focus on one thing at a time for me, since I tend to be a champion multi-tasker–but I think by the end of the month I’ll be a more centered and relaxed person because of it.

Are you setting resolutions this year? What are your hopes for 2017?

Are you Going Streaking?

No, I’m not changing my blog settings to NC17. But I do want to talk about streaking.


Fitness streaking, that is.

It is popular among my people to have a run streak from Thanksgiving to New Years–pledging to run a certain mileage every day, from holiday to holiday, no exceptions.

I’ve never managed a holiday run streak–I usually fall off the proverbial treadmill mid-December when the pace gets a little too crazy or the weather gets a little too chilly. However, since I’m really trying to finish the year on a strong fitness note, I decided to commit to a fitness streak this holiday season.

After tossing around a few ideas, I’ve decided to have a “1 mile or 30 minutes” streak this holiday season. In addition to my usual workout schedule, I want to make sure I get in 1 mile or half an hour of extra activity. If I do it, I’m giving myself a prize: a new raw threads T-shirt that I’ve had my eye on for awhile.


Are you going streaking this holiday season? Do you reward yourself with things when you hit a fitness goal?

The Marathon Plan

I want to run a marathon.

To be honest, I want to run one marathon. And that’s it. I want to be able to say I did it. I want to know that I can train my body for that type of endurance. I also really, really feel like I need a long-term tangible goal to work towards. My husband thinks I’ve completely lost my mind–but I know that my running buddies out in the virtual world will completely understand.


My marathon plan is a very long-term plan. Right now, I would like to do a marathon as a 35th birthday present to myself. That gives me about 2 years to become 26.2 ready, depending on the marathon I choose. Right now, I’m leaning pretty heavily to the Walt Disney World Marathon in January of 2019. Being a runDisney regular takes a little fear out of the process–I will know what to expect pre-race, and lets be honest: running nearly 30 miles through Disney Parks will fun and entertaining.

Here is the lose timeline I have set up for myself.


Fall 2016-Spring 2017: Focus on the consistency of my workouts and my short term goals (hitting my weight/body fat goal, and focusing on 5Ks).

Summer & Fall 2017: Focus on working up to 10K distance and become comfortable with it.

Winter 2017-Early 2018: Train for and run 13.1

2018: Focus on maintaining and begin training for the full marathon.

January 2019: Run the WDW 26.2

Writing it all out like that makes it seem like a very, very long time away. But I’m okay with that. When I became a runner, I jumped right into half-marathons–I went from not even owning a pair of running shoes to running 13.1 miles in less than 7 months. I don’t recommend it. This time around, I’d like to hit the distances in order and be strong enough, mentally and physically, for the distance of a full marathon. I also want to have enough time to work towards a PR for my proof of time, instead of frantically finding a suitable race the weekend of the deadline and running it hopelessly untrained so as not to end up the last person starting the half marathon (this is an unfortunate true story).

So I’m putting out a call to all of you who have done this before: am I missing something? Is there something I should know before embarking on my 2-year plan? If you were only going to run ONE half marathon, which one would it be?





This is Not a Race Calendar.

I was really pleased when I walked a 10k in July and had no pain from a foot injury I had a couple years ago–especially since I did the race completely cold with no training. While that isn’t what I suggest for anyone, it gave me hope that maybe I could start incorporating running back into my fitness routine.

The weather is cool in the morning and it is absolutely calling me to lace up my running shoes. This fall/winter are super busy for me, though, and I still have to be considerate of my injury flaring up…so this is not a race calendar. This is more of a race wish list–events I’d love to do if everything goes right.


Superheroes VS Villains 5k: My son is really excited about the idea of dressing up in a costume and running a race. Start them young, right?

Lanier Under the Lights 5k: I ran this race several years ago, and LOVED it–the nighttime course runs through a resort that has elaborate Christmas lights. Its beautiful!

Jeff Galloway Race weekend: I’m not really motivated to run a half marathon that isn’t at Disney (I’m spoiled) but I adore Jeff Galloway and his race weekend includes a 5K. The course is great and last year the shirt was super cute.


Jingle Bell Run: I haven’t run this one before, but it is a city run (I’m a little obsessed with our downtown area) and I like the idea of everyone running around with jingle bells tied to their shoes. Family friendly and holiday themed–who can argue with that?

Hot Chocolate 5k: Who doesn’t love chocolate fondue at the end of a race? Even though its always freezing at this race, it is always very organized and I definitely appreciate that in a race. And the hoodie it great!

What is on your race wish list this fall and winter? Any big races on the horizon?

How to be a Morning Person

Summer is coming to a close in my corner of the world. This week we have open houses for our homeschool co-ops, and then my little guy officially becomes a first grader. While our mornings are not nearly as hectic as some, we will have to shake off our summer schedule and start being a little more productive in the mornings. And I am NOT a morning person.

I’ve spent my whole life fighting my night owl tendencies. I’m more creative and focused at night, which means I’m groggy in the morning. Actually, if I go to bed at 8 PM and sleep for 12 hours, I’m still groggy in the mornings. Mornings and I just don’t mix.

My son is a morning person. He has been since his days in the belly. I could count on him to wake me up in the morning with his exuberant kicks more accurately than an alarm clock months before he arrived. This morning he woke me up at 5:20 AM.

 I sent him back to bed until 6:00 (which is the time he is allowed to get up) and he obediently trotted back to bed…where he sang “The Ballad of Casey Jones” until he got up. He is so happy and energetic in the mornings, but starts to fall apart after about 3:00. Which is when I really start to hit my groove. So, my habits need to change.

Here are some practices I’m putting into place this week to try and get up earlier and have better mornings.

  • Setting a consistent bedtime and wake up time. This one is hard for me, because I often get into a groove late at night. My goal this week is to be asleep between 10:30-11:00 PM and up between 6-7 AM.
  • Leaving my phone alone until 9 AM. I’m one of those people who likes to roll over first thing in them morning and check in with all my social media accounts and play a few games of Disney Emoji blitz, my current obsession. I realized recently this is a terrible way to start my day. I’m basically putting other people’s opinions and thoughts in my head before I’ve even had a chance to have one of my own.
  • Getting outside first thing. Even if it is just sitting on my porch and enjoying the fresh air.
  • Cleaning up the kitchen and living space before I go to bed. It’s so easy to leave dirty dishes in the sink and toys all over the floor before I crash at night (who wants to clean up when you’re exhausted from the day?) but it is so nice to wake up to a clean space. I love starting my day with a clean kitchen island. Does that make me weird?

I’m going to start with small changes and see how they go. I’d love to get up and peacefully write a chapter or two of the next great American novel, but I think these baby steps will work for now. 

Are you a morning person or a night person? Is your lifestyle/schedule conducive to what your body naturally wants to do?

A Confession and a List

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! I thought a lot about looking for my new “healthy” home over the three day weekend. But before I go into that…a confession.

Remember that race that I really wanted to do? The one I was talking myself out of?

Yeah, I did it.

I walked the 10K slow and steady, and loved every minute it. I’m feeling pretty good today–my injury stayed silent and the only discomfort I’m feeling is to be expected after walking 6.2 miles cold turkey. I’ll do a full race recap later this week.

Now, on to my list!

By some gift of the fitness gods, ClassPass is having a 50% sale for a 3-month membership. How is that for timing?!? So I’m going to sign up for a plan that gives me 5 classes a month. Here are the first classes I’m going to try:

TRX. I’ve done this before and loved the workout. I’ve had a hard time finding a class that JUST uses TRX, so I was excited to find one on the ClassPass list.

Rock Climbing. There’s a climbing gym that has always intrigued and slightly terrified me. Time to give it a shot.

Barre. I’ve done barre classes before, so I’m giving myself this one as something familiar while I’m trying out some new things.

Also on my agenda for this month:

Take advantage of my early-riser kiddo and go for a walk before it gets too hot.

Go to free yoga & fitness classes offered by retail/running stores in my area. 

Try to encourage some of my friends to join me so that I’m more likely to keep it up. 

How was your weekend? Did you take time off your workout & nutrition schedule or stick to it over the holiday?

Is There Life After Running? Finding a New Healthy Home.

If you’ve been following along on my journey for awhile, you know that I was a COMPLETELY non-athletic child, teenager and adult…until I got a wild hair in 2012 and signed up for a runDisney race. I then became hooked, and it was thrilling to enter a world of health and fitness that I previously didn’t even know existed. I was healthier than I’d ever been before, and it was great.

An injury in late 2014 caused me to stop running. I keep trying to run again…and the injury flares up. It’s so frustrating. My favorite race happens here in Atlanta on July 4th. It’s a 10K, and I didn’t sign up for the lottery back in March, because I knew it wouldn’t be good for me. But now I’m right on top of it, and I’m seeing all these people prepping for it…and I have to talk myself out of signing up at the last minute. Even though I know I’m not prepared in the slightest. Even though I know I could hurt myself.

(What in the heck is wrong with me?!?)

I’m struggling with finding where I fit in with fitness now that I’m a “recovering runner”. I miss the training plans and the excitement of race day. I miss the runners high. I miss the jeans I fit into 3 sizes ago.

I’m trying to find my new healthy home. Is it yoga? TRX? A barre studio? I don’t know. But I do know I’m tired of sitting on my tushie waiting for it to come to me. So I’ve decided that it’s time to try everything, even things I never thought about doing before–because, quite honestly, this time 10 years ago I NEVER, EVER thought I could love running like I do.

This weekend my goal is to list out all the fitness things I want to try, even if they scare me. I know my new favorite thing is out there.

What do you do when you want to switch out your fitness routine? What workout do you love that surprised you? 


A Change in Words

When I decided on my word of the year for 2016–security–I envisioned myself creating a foundation of schedule and pattern. I imagined planning ahead to create a vegetable garden, a homeschool plan, and workout routine. Other things on my list included a five year plan that included finances, buying a home (and maybe into the Disney vacation club) and professional development. Yes, 2016 was going to be the year I became secure.

Then January happened.

And February got even crazier. And since then life has been moving at a pace and a direction that I couldn’t have even predicted back in January. And this week, I decided that security–at least in the form of schedules and patterns that I had pictured–wasn’t in the cards for me this year.

And so I’m calling an audible and changing my word of the year. After some thought, I’ve decided on the word Embrace.

Yep, that’s me this year: a glorious mess.

Life is offering me some pretty cool opportunities this year, and I don’t want to shy away from them because I’m so focused on feeling safe. Of course, working on financial security and keeping JC secure in his father and myself remain a priority. But since change usually inspires me to stick my head in the sand, I think my guiding word this year needs to help me make the most of things.

What’s the best way you handle a change in plans?