September Goals

It’s been awhile, and I’m sorry! My writing fell by the wayside as we started home school and went to Disney World for the holiday weekend–trip report coming soon! I’m getting used to our new pattern and back in the blogging saddle.

Before I talk about my September goals, I want to review my August goals and check in with how I did.

Fitness goals:

  • Soda only on weekends: A+! During August I only had soda on weekends and managed to kick it entirely the first weekend of September. It’s been a full week since I’ve had one which is a HUGE accomplishment for me.
  • Loose 4-5 pounds and 1% body fat: B. I fell off the healthy-eating wagon in late August, but I managed to climb back on and lose the weight I wanted.
  • Run 12-15 miles: F. Is there anything lower than an F? I didn’t run a single mile in August. I did a lot of elliptical and arc trainer but no running. My punishment is that I don’t get to do a 5K in September because I’m not trained for it.
  • Join a gym with classes: A+! We got a family membership at a Lifetime Fitness. It’s a big, shiny gym that overwhelmed me at first (my last gym was a smaller, neighborhood gym) but I’m started to get into a rhythm with classes.

Happiness Goals:

  • Hang up photos: C-. I hung up two photos.
  • Plan our winter vacation: A.  We decided to mix it up a little this year and instead of our usual Florida trip, we’re planning to head to California in the new year for a few weeks. Since the furthest west I’ve been is Ohio, it’s going to take a lot of planning.
  • Screen free time with family on weekends: A+. We’ve done really well with family time in the past few weeks, and it shows.
  • 2 date nights with my husband: C. We made it out once.

Now for September:

Sep goals

I really want to get into a rhythm with classes in the gym and I don’t want to have to skip my October race, so I really need to train up! As for my happiness goals, I’m really bad about pinning all these awesome projects on Pinterest, starting them, and then letting them sit for months, half finished. The toughest goal will be the yard sale–even after our move we still have so much clutter and excess, but I’m a pack rat and it is hard for me to let things go. However, I don’t want to end up on a TLC show, so a yard sale is a necessity.

What are your September goals? Do you prefer big gyms or small gyms?

August Goals

I can’t believe it’s August! I mean, really. Where did the year go? We still have one more month of summer before my son starts school, and we’re going to make the most of it!

I’m really happy to be settled enough that I can actually set goals that I think I’ll accomplish this month. First, my fitness goals.

August 2015 Fit goals

I’m really, really working towards cutting soda completely out…but it is my biggest vice. My mileage goals are small, but it’s the first time I’ve been able to think about mileage all year, so I’m pretty excited. My weight loss and body fat % goals are part of longterm goals: my “happy” weight of 130 and 24% body fat. And I’m researching gyms in the area with class options. When we lived downtown, I got spoiled by having a ton of different classes at all hours of the day available to me, and I’m struggling a little bit to find ones that work for me now that we have moved.

Because I define “healthy” as more than just “fitness”, I like to set “happiness” goals as well–things that make my life better or that make me happy. This month:

Aug 2015 Happiness goals

I love photographs, so I want to get my favorite ones hung up in our new house. I want to make sure we get some screen -free family time in this month as well as some dates with my husband–we tend to let those fall by the wayside when things get hectic. And I want to plan our winter vacation–we usually travel around the holidays and it gives me something to look forward to!

What are your August goals? Do you have goals for fitness or personal goals as well?